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Simon Egli

Simon Egli was born in Baden, Switzerland in 1976. After an apprenticeship in Typography 1996 he studied Typographic Design at the "Fachklasse Typografischer Gestalter" in Zurich. After two years work in the industry he studied Graphic Design (Visuelle Gestaltung FH) at the University of Art and Design Zurich (HGKZ) and graduated at Central Saint Martins in London, 2006 (Graphic Design BA honours).

During his education he worked as freelancer in Zurich at Studio Achermann and Raffinerie. He got nominated for several design projects as Swiss Design Network and got first price for the D&AD Student Award London 05.

Member & Co. Founder of an electronic music group. They have concerts since 2002 in several locations, as well in Zurich.

He is working and living in London and Zurich.


About my work:

Everything in my final year was spinning around PLAY as it was my main topic in my dissertation.

MTV - Ident

Würfel Musik -- Cube Music

An old retro game & puzzle is used to create visual patterns in a manner of old analog step sequencers. Each new movement is indicated
and synchronised with the music, and last for 8 steps.

Chess - A Game

This work is about play in communication and its relationship to
printed language in everyday life. Only through play itself, the
message will be experienced.



Font system which generates the famous Shakespeare Sonnets. Every frequency, expression, loudness triggers a different font layer. In combination it reveals the quality of the spoken word.

Eight Posters (screen prints)

My final portfolio was a set of eight posters. Each set contains the same posters but they differ in colour and overprints. Limited edition, 50 ex.